Monday, February 11, 2013

What is it about the CSS thing?

Good grief!  Since I started blogging again two months ago I've averaged about 1 comment per post.  (That's pretty disheartening by the way.  Sometimes I stare at all the "No comments" at the bottom of my posts and wonder if anyone is reading this.)  But this post that I wrote four years ago is still getting comments!  253 of them and counting!  I got two new comments on that post just today.  (I decided not to publish one because it was too rude.)

Maybe I should just stick to writing about CSS and jerking people's chains. :-(

BTW, I have not been keeping up with the latest developments in CSS, but I just did a little Googling and found this post from 2011, two years after I wrote my "CSS should not be used for layout" post.  It makes me feel completely vindicated.


Tony Mach said...

Please, don't be disheartened about the lack of comments. The only regular comments I had on my blogs were one troll and one fool – since I had enough of them and drove them away, I don't get no comments at all…

And people like me just enjoy to lurk. Personally I find it nice to read your perspective about all things related to economy, and how it is one big capitalistic cluster-fark.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, we're just out here, lurking. Enjoyed the recent travel posts - they gave me a chance to vicariously experience something I never will in real life. But don't think that's all that's appreciated.

Stephen Collings said...

Also lurking, also enjoying!

Ron said...

Thanks, good to know. :-)

Anonymous said...

For every commenter there are dozens (or hundreds) of lurkers

lordbap said...

I still read, but choose not to comment out of courtesy. ;)

Michael said...

I've never heard of you until today, and I've never gotten into the habit of following blogs (I tend to rediscover people on specific topic searches) but if your posting this year is any indication, it's going to be worth my while to try to form a habit of following yours.

For what that's worth.

Ron said...

Thanks for the kind words, Michael!