Sunday, June 12, 2016

Donald Trump is a moron

In the wake of the Orlando shooting, Donald Trump renewed his call for a ban on ban on Muslim immigration to the U.S.  I guess he didn't get the memo: the shooter was born in the U.S.  In fact, he was born in Trump's home state of New York.

Maybe we should put a ban on New Yorkers migrating to the rest of the country.  Or running for President.  Now that is an immigration ban I could get behind.


Publius said...

His parents are from Afghanistan.

You're just highlighting the problem of chain migration and anchor babies.

Should the United States minimize or maximize the immigration of people who hate homosexuals? Should hate speech against homosexuals be a disqualification for immigration?

Ron said...

Actually, I think hate speech against anyone should weigh heavily against someone applying to immigrate to the U.S. But that's not what Trump is advocating. Trump is calling for discrimination against a religious self-identification professed by 1.6 billion people.

Ron said...

Oh, and another thing:

> His parents are from Afghanistan.

Why is that relevant? Do you think we should be screening immigrants on the basis of whether or not the children they have after they enter the U.S. are likely to become terrorists? Tim McVeigh was Irish, should we keep out Irish immigrants? Al Capone was Italian. Should we keep out Italian immigrants?

Publius said...

Human Capital

> His parents are from Afghanistan.

Why is that relevant?

His parents are the immediate and proximate cause of his existence.

Do you think we should be screening immigrants on the basis of whether or not the children they have after they enter the U.S. are likely to become terrorists?

Why was his father approved to immigrate into the U.S.?

Does the U.S. need anyone from Afghanistan to immigrate? Anyone in Afghanistan that has valuable skills that are needed in the U.S.?

Tim McVeigh was Irish, should we keep out Irish immigrants? Al Capone was Italian. Should we keep out Italian immigrants?

How very sloppy of you. Islam is a belief system, a religious self-identification, not a race or a country. Your analogy is therefore not analogous.

An analagous policy would be for the U.S. to not approve Catholics immigrating from Northern Ireland during The Troubles.