Friday, September 29, 2006

Water-boarding 101

All you people who are still thinking about voting Republican this fall, this is what you're voting for. Do you really think this is the way to win hearts and minds?

I understand the mindset of those who think that voting for Democrats is voting for the equally unthinkable slaughter of innocent babies. But get this through your thick skulls people: the difference between these two situations is that not everyone agrees that a fetus is a baby. It's fine for you to believe it. Don't have an abortion. Use your right to free speech to try to convince others to not have abortions. More power to you. The fewer abortions there are the better off the world will be. But you do not have a right to use force-- you may not bomb abortion clinics, you may not shoot doctors, you may not use the government's power to imprison people -- to impose your beliefs upon others. That is what terrorists do. We don't do that. That is what makes us the good guys.

You right-wingnuts have no idea what the opposite extreme on abortion looks like because no one believes in the opposite extreme. The opposite extreme from illegal abortion is not legal abortion, it is forced abortion, an extreme from which every sane person rightly recoils. Voting for someone who condones torture in order to avoid voting for someone who wants to make abortion legal is no less abhorrent. These are not terrorists we are torturing, they are terror suspects and they are human beings. And many of them are innocent. And if you vote Republican this November their blood will be on your hands. May God forgive you.


  1. In Nazi Germany, not everyone agreed that Jews were human beings either. You could say "Well, you may think I'm murdering 6 million people, but I disagree".

    That said: I beleive abortion is murder. I beleive that bombing others (even to make that point) is: A. Also murder, and B. counterproductive to the cause.

    But truth, real absolute truth, is not subject to the opinions of the masses. Murder is murder, no matter how many people vote that it isn't.

    It is also morally wrong to take money from those who believe as I do and use it to promote or provide abortion.

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  4. You use very creative logic. You are comparing apples and oranges and show a very narrow path. If we follow your path, we are supposed to believe that the blood of many enemies and some innocents will be on our hands if we vote for Republicans. My question is this: Are the Democrats any better? The Republicans are condoning going too far, but the Democrats condone cowardice. Osama Bin Laden praised Clinton when we ran from Somalia and said that the act emboldened terrorists who then knew that the U.S. were paper tigers. At that time, the Republicans didn't want to nation-build a country unless it was in our interests. The taliban then counted on us having paper tigers. Iran counts on this today. Saddam counted on this when he thumbed his nose at his own capitulation terms from the first Iraq war and every U.N. resolution passed afterwards. By your logic the blood of those who have died as a result (USS Cole, 9-11, Iraq invasion) would be on the hands of people who vote for Democrats. Luckily your logic is flawed. That blood is on the hands of terrorists and despots, and unfortunately also the many desperate people who they controlled. Just as the Republican party has not tortured people, the Democrats did not directly aid the terrorists. What you are right about is that we have to vote for a platform, even though we have judgements for each seperate issue. For someone who believes that fetuses are children deserving protection of life, it makes sense for them to weigh that against everything else in the Republican platform. With each candidate, I pick the lesser of two evils.

  5. While I support YOUR right to have an abortion, I don't want my taxes to pay for it. Why should Americans be forced to support ideas which they find morally reprehensible? Taxes which pay for education, public infrasturcture and safety are no brainers, but when idealogical programs are forced down the throats of everyone, something's got to give. And I for one am sick of giving.

  6. While I support YOUR right to have an abortion, I don't want my taxes to pay for it.

    Hm, I didn't even realize that there still were taxpayer funded abortions. The more I think about it the more I come to the conclusion that it's a really bad idea. I wrote earlier:

    The opposite extreme from illegal abortion is not legal abortion, it is forced abortion, an extreme from which every sane person rightly recoils.

    Forced financial support of abortion seems to be not so far removed from that extreme. If we liberals are going to argue that the right to abortion is based on the right to privacy then the whole thing ought to be kept, well, private. If we want poor women to have access to abortions then we need to step up to the plate and provide that through the private sector, not the government.
