Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Required reading

Four years old but still timely, Andrew Sullivan analyzes Islamic fundamentalism and the war on terror. Should be required reading for everyone IMO.


  1. A very interesting article. I think one of the "benefits" of Protestant-ism is that we don't really care too much about what other people thought, said, and did (e.g. Tradition) because what we place the highest value on is the Bible itself since you have to have an authoritative source somewhere. It's difficult for me to understand the mindset of the people who instigated the Crusades or the Protestant bloodshed etc since as the article points out, Jesus himself was profoundly non-violent.

    I think that quite a few religious leaders would be very frustrated with Jesus were he to show up today.

  2. It's difficult for me to understand the mindset of the people who instigated the Crusades or the Protestant bloodshed etc since as the article points out, Jesus himself was profoundly non-violent.

    I think that quite a few religious leaders would be very frustrated with Jesus were he to show up today.

    Yep. In that regard little has changed in 2000 years.
