Saturday, July 20, 2024

Sorry about the radio silence

It has been nearly two months since I last posted anything here.  This is far from my longest period of radio silence, but in this case it was right in the middle of a series I had been writing on the scientific method, and I really didn't intend to stop and lose momentum.  But two things happened.  First, I decided to write a chapter about mathematics and that turned out to be a much more difficult subject to tackle than I thought it would be, so I've been having trouble figuring out where to go from there.  And second, on June 5, my mother died.  Unlike my sister's death nearly four years ago, my mom's passing was not unexpected.  She was 88, and had been fighting cancer for 9 years.  I spoke to her two days before she died and one of the last things she said to me was, "I've had a good life."  We had no unfinished business.

However, even though my mom's death didn't come with the emotional toll that my sister's did, there is always a long list of chores that need to get done whenever someone cashed in their chips, and that has been occupying me for longer than I expected.

Anyway, just wanted to put this out there in case anyone was wondering what had become of me.



Ruth Gat 1936-2024

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