Saturday, February 24, 2018

Devin Nunes doesn't realize that he's part of the government

I was reading about the long anticipated release of the Democratic rebuttal to the famous Republican dossier memo.  I've been avoiding writing about this, or any aspect of the Russia investigation, because there is just so much insanity going on there and I didn't want to get sucked into that tar pit.  But I could not let this slide:
[O]n Saturday, committee chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) accused Democrats of colluding with the government in a “cover up” of information as he announced the memo had been posted online. 
“We actually wanted this out,” Nunes told an audience at the Conservative Political Action Conference. “It’s clear evidence that the Democrats are not only covering this up, but they’re also colluding with parts of the government to cover this up.”
Congressional Democrats are "colluding with the government"?  Say what?!?  Who (or what) exactly does Devin Nunes think "the government" is?

I have news for you, Mr. Nunes: you and your fellow Congressmen are "the government", or a pretty significant part of it anyway.  You're supposed to be "colluding" (I would choose the word "working", but whatever) with yourselves to run the country.  That's your job.

But I guess Devin Nunes didn't get the memo.  So sad.

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