Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ron rambles on

So it seems that the Ramblings will continue. Thanks to everyone who responded to my last post. It was a real revelation to learn that there are nearly 300 people subscribed to Rondam Ramblings via RSS. Seriously, who are all you people?

This still leaves me with the problem of deciding what to write about. So for now, here's a video of an A380 clipping the tail of a CRJ-700 at JFK yesterday. If you think you're having a bad day at work, watch this and it will put your troubles in perspective.


  1. Thanks for sticking with us!

    Here's some feedback, after your last two posts you deserve this much :)

    I read a lot of stuff via RSS. Many of the blogs I read are very busy, very fast paced, and often overlapping with each other, but I still follow them for professional reasons. I rarely comment on them.

    Others are the "nice to visit once in a while" kind - many of these are related to private interests, hobbies, pet peeves, etc. I don't read them as they happen, I just save the interesting stuff for when I have time, and I often comment on them.

    Your blog, and a couple others I follow, are in a class of their own. They are personal views about a bunch of subjects, neither too focused nor too overwhelming, but always interesting. Here I have found stuff about business plans, current politics, LISP, religion, moviemaking, legal nightmares in California... even about French pilots with a bad case of "was that me?" :-)

    What I like about your blog is balance. It doesn't update too often, but it doesn't stay dormant for too long. The mix of subjects is interesting, and the posts sometimes thought provoking, but what I like about it is that it *is* a mix. I disagree with those who tell you to do more or less of any specific subject, nah, it wouldn't be the Ramblings, keep it this way.

    I think I have begun to see it as a nice break from many of the other busy things I follow. I have commented several times, but not much by any stretch of the imagination. I guess I don't comment much because I'm in a "break" mood, but that doesn't mean I don't find it interesting.

  2. You say "nearly 300 people subscribed to Rondam Ramblings via RSS", but that is from Google Reader alone! There are many other RSS aggregators that people use, like iTunes. I bet your actual RSS subscriptions are 10 times that, maybe more.

    You can set it up so RSS stats are gathered for your blog. Just google "blogger rss stats". Looks like you either use Google Analytics or Feedburner.

    If you do that, I would be interesting to find out what numbers you see!
