Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Found and lost

Not 24 hours after John Kerry found his backbone he lost it again.



  1. Kerry doesn't apologize for making the remark

    I never said he did. I said he lost his spine.

    It was supposed to be a dig against the President, not against soldiers, and he apologized if anyone understood it as the latter.

    But he needn't have apologized even for that. Dark humor is funny because it is based on truth, and there is an underlying truth for either interpretation. Kerry could have come back and said something like, "I don't understand what people are upset about. Certainly some young people are signing up for the military because they really want to serve. But many are signing up because economic conditions produced by the Republican's economic policieis are such that a young person without a college degree has precious few viable options any more. As long as we are shipping overseas the jobs that a less education person can do, it will be more and more true that not studying hard can get you -- yes you -- stuck in Iraq because of what the Republicans have done. And I will not apologise for saying so because it's the truth."

    But he didn't say that. Instead he reverted to the old scared Kerry who quakes in his boots at the possibility the he might offend a voter and caved like a wet newspaper. George Bush senior got a reputation for being a wimp, but it is John Kerry who truly deserves that label.

    Ye gods, why is it so hard to find a Democrat who is willing to stand up for something?

  2. yes, indeed. That is exactly what he should have said, and I would bet money that is what he meant by his remark. Of course the "Librul Media" would not be able to present such a nuanced explanation (I know, but nuanced for them) but just like they gain nothing from running, tails between their legs from the big bad republicans, the democrates gain nothing by being afraid of the media.

    So, Kerry had a spine, before he didn't... They will not learn in time.

    Howard Dean is the only one of the bunch who will tell it like it is and not back down, (though he disappointed me greatly in his blind and over zealous support for Isreal's criminal assault on the civilians of Lebanon). Even Obama has become "cautious" in his rhetoric, he will soon have all the conviction and courage of Hilary. Or maybe he will do better, there is always hope.

  3. Just heard a more complete transcript, he was clearly referring to Bush being stuck in Iraq, IMO.

  4. Howard Dean is the only one of the bunch who will tell it like it is and not back down

    Used to be. He joined the Kerry-should-apologize huddle too. So did Ford and Obama. The whole lot of them really are the spineless wimps the Repubs say they. Good grief.

    Just heard a more complete transcript, he was clearly referring to Bush being stuck in Iraq, IMO.

    That might explain why he apologized. Instead of realizing that even the misunderstood version had merit he immediately switched into panic mode: Oh no, my remark has been misunderstood. Must contain damage. Must limit losses. Must not take risks. Must not think outside box. Eek!
